DracalView guides

Getting started with DracalView: Dracal graphical user interface software

DracalView guides
Quickly familiarize yourself with DracalView, the user interface software for Dracal Technologies' DAQ solution.
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Documentation of DracalView: Our free data visualization and logging software

DracalView guides
Discover the features of DracalView, our free data visualization and acquisition software.
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YouTube icon with measuring instruments and DracalView

Sources tab: DracalView’s dashboard

DracalView guides
Presentation of DracalView's Sources tab and link to the video tutorial showing its features
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YouTube icon with Settings icon

Configuration tab: customize your data

DracalView guides
With the Configuration tab of DracalView, our free software, customize your precision data acquired with our USB sensors, the video tutorial.
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YouTube icon with graph icon

Graph View: visualize your data over time

DracalView guides
Visualize in a graphical way your precision data coming from our USB sensors with the Graph View tab of our free software, DracalView. Video tutorial.
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YouTube icon with binoculars for Big View tab in DracalView

Big View tab: your data at a glance

DracalView guides
Learn in a video tutorial how to display your USB sensor data in such a way that you can quickly monitor them.
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YouTube icon with a report icon for Logging tab of DracalView

Logging tab: customizing how to log data

DracalView guides
The logging tab is the heart of DracalView. Watch the video tutorial to customize which data you want to log and how you want to log them quickly and easily.
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YouTube icon with Math pictograms

How to create new, custom channels, from live data

DracalView guides
Generate new channels from live data using the data acquisition system of Dracal Technologies, the tutorial video.
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YouTube icon with Math and graph icons

How to combine math channels and graph view features

DracalView guides
Video tutorial on how to combine math channels and Graph View features to show around the same ordinate the atmospheric pressure and temperature in DracalView
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How to change the scale of a channel with math channels?

DracalView guides
Presentation and illustration of the scale transformation formula to facilitate the graphic visualization of several types of measurements whose scales are very different from each other.
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