Documentation of dracal-sensgate-get

[Last update: 04/05/2023]

[Based on the Software version: v3.2.1]



First, what is a SensGate? The SensGate is an Ethernet/Wi-Fi communication device that allows remote access to the data of the Dracal instruments connected to it. It is the cornerstone that enables Dracal users to transition from USB to IoT in just 5 minutes. It also has other capabilities (such as autonomous data logging) documented in its datasheet here. However, for the current documentation, we will focus on integrating its data into your own software using the dracal-sensgate-get command-line tool.

Before moving forward, it is advantageous to take a slight detour to its twin tool, dracal-usb-get, which allows accessing data from Dracal instruments directly connected via USB to a computer and integrating them into your own systems. And here's why:

  1. Staying true to our promise of making your life easier, the dracal-sensgate-get tool was developed to work exactly in the same format as dracal-usb-get tool. In other words, our users who have already set up an infrastructure using the dracal-usb-get tool to access sensors connected locally via USB are just a "search and replace" away from relocating their installation and entering the world of IoT.

  2. The Code examples in over a dozen programming languages for the dracal-usb-get tool, the LabVIEW TM  integration example and even the documentation for dracal-usb-get entirely translate from one tool to the other.

Therefore, in this documentation, we will first emphasize aspects that are unique to the dracal-sensgate-get tool and then replicate the available command equivalences in both the dracal-sensgate-get and dracal-usb-get tools, taking the liberty of referring you to the latter documentation for a more detailed description of the effects of the different available commands.

1. Setup

1.1. Installation

The dracal-sensgate-get command-line tool is available in DracalView versions 3.2.1 and later.

Windows or Mac OS X users: How to obtain dracal-sensgate-get

The dracal-sensgate-get command-line tool is provided with DracalView. On Windows or Mac OS X, first, install DracalView. After installation, you will find dracal-sensgate-get in the installation directory (usually C:\Program Files\DracalView or C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView).

Linux users: How to compile dracal-sensgate-get

The dracal-sensgate-get command-line tool must be compiled from source code on Linux. Follow the instructions on the page Using Dracal sensors on Linux.

1.2. Prerequisites

Review the documentation for dracal-usb-get, or at least open it in a tab next to this documentation because, to avoid redundancy, several more detailed explanations for the commands common to both tools will not be repeated here.

1.3. Our setup for mounting this documentation

Combining as many SensGates as desired is possible, and several configurations exist to build a large ecosystem. Our working environment to produce this documentation is as follows. First, we created a secure parallel Ethernet test network (which we will call "Network_SensGate") with an independent router to which we connected 3 SensGates. We then created Wi-Fi access to this network (network not having access to the Internet, but only to SensGates) to allow the working computer to access the 3 SensGates remotely. Next, the network was configured so that the ports could be detectable by a computer connected to the same network, allowing us to present the automatic detection tool dracal-sensgate-scan below. Finally, the working computer was simultaneously connected to the wireless network "Network_SensGate" and the wired enterprise Ethernet network (allowing access to the Internet, for example).

Installation in an enterprise

Typically, if the SensGate were connected to your enterprise network, your IT team would want full control over the assignment of addresses and ports for each of your SensGate, and they may not be discoverable by the dracal-sensgate-scan tool. Therefore, simply ask your IT team to explicitly communicate the address and port where your SensGates are located.

Concerned about security aspects?

Note that your SensGates have no routing capability, and their access can be secured by a password (recommended in an enterprise setting).

Is a router necessary?

If you want to create an independent network for your SensGate, using a router is unnecessary. Instead, it is possible to configure one of your SensGates to create its own parallel network, secured by a password, to which it will be connected. This mode is the "Access point" mode. Then connect up to 6 other SensGates to this newly created network and your computer to it, and you're done. To demystify the relationship between "router", "access point", and "Wi-Fi", we invite you to consult the following article.

2. Discovering SensGates on the network: the dracal-sensgate-scan tool

In the directory where your Dracal tools are located, you will also find the dracal-sensgate-scan tool. This tool scans the network and lists discoverable SensGates. As discussed earlier, your enterprise installation may prevent this tool from automatically discovering your SensGates. In this case, the tool is simply not useful to you. In our case, here is the result obtained:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-scan
Sending 50 broadcast packets to port 10395 at a 100 ms interval (total duration: 5.000 s)    SensGate Test, G00007, v1.0.1 [Devices: 7]    SensGate Production, G00008, v1.0.1 [Devices: 6]    SensGate R&D, G00002, v1.0.1 [Devices: 7]

The tool indicates that 3 SensGates are available and provides relevant information about them. If we look at the last entry in this example, the SensGate that we have decided to name  "SensGate R&D" is located at IP address on port 10395 (hence the nomenclature, has the unique serial number "G00002", is at version "v1.0.1" and has 7 Dracal instruments connected to it.

3. Help command: --help or -h

Access the complete and detailed list of available commands by running the command dracal-sensgate-get --help (short version: dracal-sensgate-get -h). We highlighted in yellow the commands unique to the dracal-sensgate-get tool, the others being identical in name and function to the dracal-usb-get tool. Some quick start usage examples are also available:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -h
Valid arguments:
    -V           Display version information
    -v           Verbose mode
    -h           Displays help
    -l           List and display info about available sensors
    -H host      Host address (IPV4), name or serial number
    -s serial    Use USB sensor with matching serial number. Default: Use first.
    -i id<,id,id...>  Use specific channel(s) id(s) or 'a' for all. Default: 0
    -R retry     Number of extra sensgate discovery messages to send. Default: 0
    -T unit      Select the temperature unit to use. Default: Celsius
    -P unit      Select the pressure unit to use. Default: kPa
    -F unit      Select the frequency unit to use. Default: Hz
    -M unit      Select the length unit to use. Default: m
    -C unit      Select the concentration unit to use. Default: Sensor default
    -p           Enable pretty output
    -7           Use 7-bit ASCII output (no Unicode degree symbols)
    -u           Print uncalibrated values, i.e. do not apply user calibration configured by dracal-usb-cal
    -L logfile   Log to specified file (use - for none)
    -I interval  Log interval. In milliseconds. Default: 1000
    -r rows      Number of log rows. Default: 0, i.e. do not stop
    -x digits    Set number of digits to display after the decimal separator. Default: 2
    -S value     Set standard sea level pressure (Pascals) used to compute altitude. Default: 101325
    -o option    Enable specified option (see below). You may use -o multiple times.

    no_humidex_range     Calculate humidex even if input values are out of range.
    no_heat_index_range  Calculate heat index even if the input values are out of range.

Valid temperature units:
    Celsius, C, Fahrenheit, F, Kelvin, K

Valid pressure units:
    kPa, hPa, Pa, bar, at (98.0665 kPa), atm (101.325 kPa), Torr, psi, inHg

Valid frequency units:
    mHz, Hz, kHz, MHz, rpm

Valid length units:
    mm, cm, dm, m, mil, in, ft, yd

Valid concentration units:
    ppb, ppm, percent


When an error occurs reading a channel, the value is replaced by an error string:
    Undefined            Unknown/undefined error.
    Saturated            Sensor (or resulting value) is saturated and unusable.
    SensorError          The physical sensor or interface circuitry is not working properly
    ProbeDisconnected    Indicates that the probe is disconnected or cable is cut/open
    OutOfRange           The reading falls outside the sensor possible or supported range
    InvalidData          The data received from the sensor did not make sense or was incomplete


1. Access all data from sensor with serial number E22826 on SensGate at address
    dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826

2. Access all data from sensor with serial number E22826 on SensGate with serial number G00002
    dracal-sensgate-get -H G00002 -s E22826

3. Access all data from sensor with serial number E22826, finding SensGate automatically
    dracal-sensgate-get -s E22826

Return value:
 - On success, dracal-usb-get returns 0.
 - If the requested serial number (see -s) was not found, or if no devices were found (-f and -l) a non-zero value is returned.

4. List of sensors: -l and -H commands

Just like for dracal-usb-get, the command -l allows you to list all sensors connected to a SensGate specified by the-H command. This way, you can get the list of sensors connected to the SensGate with serial number G00002 located at IP address on port 10395 by using its IP address and port:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -l
# SensGate R&D [G00002 @]
Found: 'VCP-BAR20', Serial: 'E20310', Version 2.1, Channels: 3
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: MS5611 Temperature [Temperature]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]
Found: 'VCP-BAR20', Serial: 'E20290', Version 2.1, Channels: 3
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: MS5611 Temperature [Temperature]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]
Found: 'VCP-PTH450-CAL', Serial: 'E22826', Version 2.9, Channels: 7
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: SHT31 Temperature [Temperature]
    Channel 2: SHT31 Relative Humidity [Relative Humidity]
    Virtual Channel 256: Dew point [Dew point]
    Virtual Channel 257: Humidex [Humidex]
    Virtual Channel 258: Heat index [Heat index]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]

In the case where SensGates are discoverable (see point 2), it is possible to simply specify a SensGate by using its serial number:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H G00002 -l
# SensGate R&D [G00002 @]
Found: 'VCP-BAR20', Serial: 'E20310', Version 2.1, Channels: 3
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: MS5611 Temperature [Temperature]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]
Found: 'VCP-BAR20', Serial: 'E20290', Version 2.1, Channels: 3
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: MS5611 Temperature [Temperature]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]
Found: 'VCP-PTH450-CAL', Serial: 'E22826', Version 2.9, Channels: 7
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: SHT31 Temperature [Temperature]
    Channel 2: SHT31 Relative Humidity [Relative Humidity]
    Virtual Channel 256: Dew point [Dew point]
    Virtual Channel 257: Humidex [Humidex]
    Virtual Channel 258: Heat index [Heat index]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]


Finally, without specifying a particular SensGate (i.e. without using the -H command), the command "dracal-sensgate-get -l" returns a list of all sensors accessible on all SensGates, as illustrated below:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -l
# SensGate R&D [G00002 @]
Found: 'VCP-BAR20', Serial: 'E20310', Version 2.1, Channels: 3
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: MS5611 Temperature [Temperature]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]
Found: 'VCP-BAR20', Serial: 'E20290', Version 2.1, Channels: 3
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: MS5611 Temperature [Temperature]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]
Found: 'VCP-PTH450-CAL', Serial: 'E22826', Version 2.9, Channels: 7
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: SHT31 Temperature [Temperature]
    Channel 2: SHT31 Relative Humidity [Relative Humidity]
    Virtual Channel 256: Dew point [Dew point]
    Virtual Channel 257: Humidex [Humidex]
    Virtual Channel 258: Heat index [Heat index]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]
# SensGate Test [G00007 @]
Found: 'USB-RTD300', Serial: 'E20339', Version 2.1, Channels: 1
    Channel 0: 3-Wire PT100 Temperature sensor [Temperature]
Found: 'VCP-BAR20', Serial: 'E20295', Version 2.1, Channels: 3
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: MS5611 Temperature [Temperature]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]
Found: 'VCP-BAR20', Serial: 'E20304', Version 2.1, Channels: 3
    Channel 0: MS5611 Pressure [Pressure]
    Channel 1: MS5611 Temperature [Temperature]
    Virtual Channel 262: Altitude [Height]
# SensGate Production [G00008 @]
Found: 'USB-SPECTRUM', Serial: 'E13572', Version 1.0, Channels: 8
    Channel 0: IR light intensity [IR light intensity]
    Channel 1: Green light intensity [Green light intensity]
    Channel 2: Blue light intensity [Blue light intensity]
    Channel 3: Red light intensity [Red light intensity]
    Channel 4: VEML6075 UVA [UVA]
    Channel 5: VEML6075 UVB [UVB]
    Channel 6: VEML6030 ALS [Ambient light]
    Channel 7: VEML6030 WHITE [White light]
Found: 'VCP-TMC200k-CAL', Serial: '016504', Version 2.4, Channels: 2
    Channel 0: Type-K Thermocouple [Temperature]
    Channel 1: Thermocouple cold junction temperature [Temperature]

For each of the detected sensors, you will find the product code (Found:), the serial number (Serial:), the device version (Version), the number of available data channels (Channels:), as well as their description.

Note 1: A virtual channel is a channel whose data is calculated from "real" channels, the latter corresponding to physical quantities directly measured by the sensor.

Note 2: Under Linux, if no sensor is detected, likely, your user account does not have the required permissions. Consult the section on configuring access rights if needed.


From now on, we will focus on the data generated by the VCP-PTH450-CAL with serial number E22826 located on the SensGate with serial number G00002, located at IP address on port 10395.

Once your SensGate and instrument are identified, you can use all the commands available with dracal-usb-get in the same way and a few additional ones. Below, we provide an overview of the different commands and indicate the equivalent section of the dracal-usb-get documentation for more details.

5. Access data from different channels: -i and -s commands

Identical to dracal-usb-get. See the equivalent section.

Example of use to access data from the first three channels (-i 0,1,2) for the sensor with serial number E22826 (-s E22826):

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i 0,1,2
103.17, 25.11, 28.40

If your setup is such that your SensGates are automatically discoverable (see point 2), it is not necessary to specify the SensGate on which the instrument to be queried is located; only the serial number of the sensor is required, as illustrated in the example below:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -s E22826 -i 0,1,2
103.17, 25.11, 28.40

In the rest of this documentation, to cover use cases where SensGates are not discoverable (typical in an enterprise installation), we will still specify the SensGate by its IP address on which the sensor to be queried is located, and leave it to the reader to determine whether they can and want to omit this parameter.

5.1. Access all channels without listing them: a parameter

Identical to dracal-usb-get. See the equivalent section.

Example of usage to access all channels (here 7 in number) by replacing the list of channels with the optiona, like this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i a
103.17, 25.11, 28.38, 5.50, 24.57, 25.11, -152.22

5.2. Detail channels: -p command

Identical to dracal-usb-get. See the equivalent section.

Example of usage to display the details of each channel by adding the -p("pretty output") command:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i a -p
MS5611 Pressure: 99.27 kPa
SHT31 Temperature: 36.70 ┬░C
SHT31 Relative Humidity: 31.21 %
Dew point: 16.92 ┬░C
Humidex: 41.94 ┬░C
Heat index: 36.70 ┬░C
Altitude: 172.48 m

5.3. Detail channels without special symbol: -7 command

Identical to dracal-usb-get. See the equivalent section.

Example of using the -7 command to remove special characters:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i a -p -7
MS5611 Pressure: 99.28 kPa
SHT31 Temperature: 36.72 C
SHT31 Relative Humidity: 29.65 %
Dew point: 16.13 C
Humidex: 41.42 C
Heat index: 36.72 C
Altitude: 171.89 m

5.4. Access the data of the first encountered sensor: -f command

Addition compared to dracal-usb-get: Access the first sensor encountered on the first SensGate encountered as well. See the equivalent section.

It is possible not to have to specify the serial number of a sensor and a SensGate to access its data if it corresponds exactly to the first sensor of the first SensGate "encountered". This is the case, among other things, when only one sensor is connected to a single SensGate; it is necessarily the first (and only!) one encountered. We strongly recommend using the -f parameter with caution in cases where multiple sensors are connected to your computer. Finally, we remind you that there is a shortcut to the -f command, which is not writing it, as shown below:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -i a -p -7
Type-K Thermocouple: 25.33 C
Thermocouple cold junction temperature: 26.28 C

5.5. Choose the number of decimals to display: -x command

Identical to dracal-usb-get. See the equivalent section.

Example of usage where it is specified to display only one decimal using the -x command:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i 0,1,2,262 -p -7 -x 1
MS5611 Pressure: 99.2 kPa
SHT31 Temperature: 37.2 C
SHT31 Relative Humidity: 31.1 %
Altitude: 175.0 m

6. Specify units: -T,-P,-F,-M,... commands

Identical to dracal-usb-get. See the equivalent section.

Example of converting pressure units to bar and temperature units to Fahrenheit by adding the commands and options -P bar and -T f:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i a -p -7 -P bar -T f
MS5611 Pressure: 1.02  bar 
SHT31 Temperature: 74.41  F 
SHT31 Relative Humidity: 34.66 %
Dew point: 44.71  F 
Humidex: 74.48  F 
Heat index: 74.41  F 
Altitude: -52.48 m

7. Height calculation: -S command

Identical to dracal-usb-get. See the equivalent section.

Example of use where the height of a table is calculated using the pressure measured when the sensor is placed on the table as a reference height equal to 0 m.

First, measure the atmospheric pressure when the sensor is placed on the table:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i 0,262 -7 -p -P Pa
Pressure: 101167.00 Pa
Height: 13.16 m

Set the reference pressure value to the value of the pressure we just measured, which is 101167 Pa:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i 0,262 -7 -p -P Pa -S 101167
Pressure: 101167.00 Pa
Height: 0.00 m

As expected, with the current pressure as the reference pressure, the measured value of the height is zero. Now, if we place the sensor on the ground (it was on a table) and rerun the same command, we get the following:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i 0,262 -7 -p -P Pa -S 101167
Pressure: 101179.00 Pa
Height: -0.58 m

Which is indeed the height of the table on which the sensor was initially placed.

8. Management of calibrated data: command -u

Identical to dracal-usb-get. See the equivalent section.

Example of use where we observe the effect of entering a calibration point performing a +10 °C offset in temperature before and after calibration:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i 1 -p -7 -u && dracal-sensgate-get -H G00002 -s E22826 -i 1 -p -7
SHT31 Temperature: 26.62 C
SHT31 Temperature: 36.62 C

9. Save data to a file: -L command

Addition compared to dracal-usb-get: display the exact content of the file, including the date and time, on the screen. See the equivalent section.

Example of using the -L command to continuously and indefinitely record data in a csv format file namedtest.csv located in C:\Users\Public\Documents:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i a -L C:\Users\Public\Documents\test.csv
Log mode on.
Opened file 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\test.csv' for logging. Append mode.
101.57, 24.47, 33.85, 7.51, 24.68, 24.47, -20.12
101.57, 24.47, 33.84, 7.51, 24.68, 24.47, -20.21
101.57, 24.51, 33.88, 7.56, 24.75, 24.51, -20.21
101.57, 24.51, 33.85, 7.55, 24.74, 24.51, -20.12
101.57, 24.50, 33.87, 7.55, 24.73, 24.50, -20.21
101.57, 24.47, 33.84, 7.51, 24.68, 24.47, -20.04

9.1. Specify the number of measurements to save: -r command

New command: Set the number of measurements to record in a file.

In conjunction with the -L command, the -r command allows you to specify an exact number of measurements to record in a file. For example, in the example below, the number of measurements taken has been limited to 3:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView> dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i a -L C:\Users\Public\Documents\test2.csv -r 3
Log mode on.
Opened file 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\test2.csv' for logging. Append mode.
101.63, 18.97, 62.36, 11.61, 18.97, 18.97, -25.27
101.63, 18.98, 62.50, 11.65, 18.98, 18.98, -25.27
101.63, 18.99, 62.59, 11.69, 18.99, 18.99, -25.44
Closing log file.

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView> 

9.2. Change the recording frequency: -I command

Identical to dracal-usb-get. See the equivalent section.

In the example below, subsequent recording of measurements in the same file is done by specifying 2 different intervals (-I 100 followed by -I 2000) like this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView> dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i a -r 5-L C:\Users\Public\Documents\test2.csv -I 100

followed by

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView> dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i a -r 5-L C:\Users\Public\Documents\test2.csv -I 2000

 What is visible in the final file reading:

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView> type C:\Users\Public\Documents\test2.csv
2023-05-03 11:22:10.540, 99.88, 35.77, 31.40, 16.21, 40.53, 35.77, 121.32
2023-05-03 11:22:10.640, 99.88, 35.77, 31.40, 16.21, 40.53, 35.77, 121.15
2023-05-03 11:22:10.740, 99.88, 35.76, 31.38, 16.19, 40.50, 35.76, 121.24
2023-05-03 11:22:10.840, 99.88, 35.76, 31.38, 16.19, 40.50, 35.76, 121.15
2023-05-03 11:22:10.941, 99.88, 35.76, 31.38, 16.19, 40.50, 35.76, 121.32
2023-05-03 11:22:22.584, 99.88, 35.76, 31.37, 16.19, 40.49, 35.76, 120.90
2023-05-03 11:22:24.585, 99.88, 35.75, 31.38, 16.18, 40.47, 35.75, 120.90
2023-05-03 11:22:26.585, 99.88, 35.77, 31.37, 16.20, 40.52, 35.77, 120.82
2023-05-03 11:22:28.586, 99.88, 35.77, 31.31, 16.17, 40.50, 35.77, 120.90
2023-05-03 11:22:30.585, 99.88, 35.75, 31.38, 16.18, 40.47, 35.75, 121.15

10. Redirect the output to another program

Identical to dracal-usb-get. See the equivalent section.

If, instead of saving the data in a .csv file, you want to use the output as an input to another program, simply give the parameter "-" as an argument to the -L command. This command will save the data in the stdout  variable (standard output):

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>  dracal-sensgate-get -H -s E22826 -i a -r 5 -L - 
Log mode on.
Logging to stdout
99.89, 35.73, 31.39, 16.18, 40.46, 35.73, 120.23
99.89, 35.76, 31.38, 16.19, 40.50, 35.76, 120.48
99.89, 35.77, 31.40, 16.21, 40.53, 35.77, 120.40
99.89, 35.73, 31.38, 16.17, 40.45, 35.73, 120.40
99.89, 35.75, 31.34, 16.16, 40.46, 35.75, 120.31

C:\Program Files (x86)\DracalView>