Dracal Technologies provides a free and complete USB DAQ solution. This includes DracalView, a graphical monitoring system for instant data visualization and logging, command-line tools (CLI) for easy and efficient integration of your data into your own systems as well as a REST API for wireless VCP integration. Multiple ready-made data-integration and code examples available.
- Update Windows driver to libusb1.0
- Software signature for Windows
- [DracalView] Add support for TMC200 series
- [DracalView] Add calibration support for USB-DXC220t-CAL
- [dracal-sensgate-get] Add dracal-sensgate-get CLI tool
- [dracal-usb-get] Add "--rows" option for logging
- [Windows] Provide "Dracal tools" shortcut on Windows Minor fixes and enhancements
- [DracalView] Add calibration support for VCP-CAL products
- [DracalView] User calibration points ordering is maintained
- [DracalView] Fix .csv log digits vs configuration setting Add UTF-8 BOM to .csv files for proper character decoding Avoid printing error messages to stderr from library modules Minor fixes and enhancements
- [DracalView] Add support for SensGate
- [DracalView] New application name and icon (formerly QTenki)
- [DracalView] Graph View: Show time on the X-axis
- [DracalView] Graph View: Performance improvements
- [DracalView] Improved timing accuracy
- New alias for usbtenkiget: dracal-usb-get
- New alias for usbtenkiset: dracal-usb-set New alias for usbtenkiset: dracal-usb-cal Misc bug fixes and improvements across all applications
- [General] Add support for the DXC120 product series
- [General] Add ability to calibrate the CO2 concentration of the DXC220
- [DracalView] Fix MATH channel numbers appearing in hexadecimal in the Logging tab
- [Windows] Fix 'USB control message' error in dracal-usb-get with some devices
- [General] Add support for VOC sensor
- [Windows] Fix driver installation
- [General] Add SHT35 sensor support
- [Command-line] Enable line buffered mode to support piping the output in log mode. Under Windows, buffering is completely disabled to acheive this.
- [Command-line] Fix a 2.1.6 bug where the logging interval (-I argument) was ignored on Windows.
- Add support for calibration (new command-line tool 'dracal-usb-cal' and DracalView support). Requires products with calibration support.
- Internal changes for greater performance and precision in some cases.
- Add support for VCP products (visualize VCP products in DracalView with Linux/Mac OS X and adjust the set_protocol command in dracal-usb-set to support the VCP protocol).
- [DracalView] The Graph title is now remembered between sessions.
- [DracalView] Graph axis label can now be set, and remembered between sessions.
- [DracalView] Source IDs can now be selected using the mouse (eg: For copying).
- [DracalView] The number of math channels can now be configured.
- [DracalView] Use default values for alias instead of leaving them empty.
- [DracalView] Add check-all buttons to ease management of many channels.
- [DracalView] Display the sensor model in the title of each entry in the sources tab.
- [DracalView] Windows only: Add a shortcut to open a terminal in the installation directory, for quick command-line tool access.
- Add support for mathermatical equations.
- Add an about button to display sensor information.
- Provide better default graph colors.
- Add a way to change graph colors and line styles.
- Improved default names for graph traces without aliases.
- Add support for concentration unit conversion (ppm, ppb, percent)
- Default concentration units for DXC-200 is now Percent.
- Add reset and set_protocol commands to dracal-usb-set
- Add support for Internal/External T/RH channels
- Add low temperature compensaion ms5611-based readings (USB-BAR20 and PTH-200)
- Rename dracal-usb-setup to dracal-usb-set
- [DracalView] Disable group separator (eg: thousands) in logger
- Improved support for CO2 sensors
- Add support for the TMC-200k thermocouple converter
- Add support for specific per-channel status/error such as 'probe disconnected', 'out of range', etc. (for products with the necessary circuitry only)
- Prepare support for upcoming DXC Gaz sensor products
- Prepare support for upcoming RTD-300 products
- [DracalView] [DracalView] Fix a crash when the graph is manipulated certain ways
- Add support for the Sensirion SPS30 particle sensor
- Add support for the Sensirion SCD30 CO2 sensor
- Add support for the VEML6075 UVA/UVB sensor
- Add support for the VEML6030 Ambiant light sensor
- Add support for arbitrary units
- Add programming examples is several languages
- Add preventive retries in case of IO errors
- libusb 1.0 support
- [DracalView] Fix thermocouple colorization when multiple units are connected
- [General] Support for individual thermocouple types
- [DracalView] Add thermocouple type color display (ANSI and IEC)
- [General] Add thermocouple support
- [Command-line] Add a new command to dracal-usb-setup for thermocouple type configuration
- [DracalView] Fix a possible hang/crash issue
DracalView is a free software from Dracal Technologies for logging data from our USB sensors. It features an easy-to-use graphical user interface that supports all of our sensors communicating via the USB protocol. The built-in graphical module provides a quick and easy way to view data in real time. It also saves data in text files (configurable format) for importing into a spreadsheet or graphics software for later analysis.
- Works under Windows (Win7/8/10/11 64&32-bit), Mac OS X and Linux
- Supports the simultaneous use of an unlimited number of Dracal sensors on the same computer
- Simultaneous and synchronized recording of all types of sensors
- Records captured data to text files (configurable format)
- The recording file can be viewed in real time (new values are added dynamically)
- Easy-to-use calibration manager for our calibratable products
- Up to 50 additionnal channels allowing the use of mathematical formulas
The DracalView download comes with our free command line tool dracal-usb-get.
This tool, which DracalView shares the resources, allows you to directly access your data and gives you all the autonomy you need to integrate them into other programs.
- Works under Windows (Win7/8/10 64&32-bit), Mac OS X and Linux (instructions) available
- Simultaneous and synchronized recording of all types of sensors
- Sensor interrogation by unique serial number
- Export to stdout
- Configurable measurement units (°C, °F, Kelvin…)
- Code examples in numerous programming languages available
- One concrete example of integration within LabVIEW available
The DracalView download also includes dracal-sensgate-get, a command-line-interface that provides wireless access to data from all the sensors connected to your SensGate. The tool is designed so that code already written with dracal-usb-get can also be used with dracal-sensgate-get, up to a simple “search and replace”.
This tool offers the same advantages as those for dracal-usb-get listed above, plus:
- Access data from any Sensgate-connected sensor, even those communicating via COM protocol (VCP option)